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O U R   S T O R Y 

Libertad Collective originated as a result of a transformational trip to Quito, Ecuador in 2012. The trip was one filled with acts of empowerment to social justice and change.  While in Ecuador, we came across so many unsung native heroes that had given so much of themselves and used what was in front of them to help meet needs and bring solutions to the problems being faced around them. The trip itself became the catalyst for the Libertad movement!


What was gained from the trip was this simple message: use what is in front of you and be the change. There is power in using your skills, gifts and talents as a transformational weapon to help bring solutions and aid to those in need. We arrived back to our home town of Los Angeles and were moved to action. The result was Libertad Collective! 


The name LIBERTAD resonated with us because it served to summarize the heart of our cause: Freedom! We believe that every individual deserves liberty and freedom. 


Why Collective? It is our strong belief that there is power in unity. We have been blessed to have the partnership and support of so many talented individuals that have given of their time and talent to help bring aid and advocacy to social justice causes.


We also recognize the power in creativity. Music, dance, art, graphics etc… all have a powerful weight and voice to communicate a message of hope and liberty! You might not have financial resources, but you can still use your talents and gifts to help empower those around you. 


fashion that gives

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Heart & Hands
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